
WATCH: This 7-Year-Old Boy Was Dying, What He Wished For Before He Dies Will Move Everyone To Tears!

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This 7 year old Chen Xiaotian was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour when he was 5. The brain tumour continued to grow until he lost his sight, before finally taking his life. 
Image Source from Daily Mail
He may be the most inspirational person you will ever see. His last words were that he wanted to give his mother his kidney when he passed. His mother was suffering from a condition which meant that her only chance of survival was to get a new kidney, and that is exactly what this young hero did. It was the grandmother who suggested that she have her son’s kidney after he died, but she initially refused. When the 7 year old insisted, she couldn't refuse. His last words saved his mother’s life, and this is truly an incredible video that you have to watch to believe. The mother is set to make a full recovery and this is certainly an inspirational story.

His sacrifice will never be forgotten. Please share this heart-melting story to your friends and let them know the power of love. 
Watch the video below
Source: New China TV YouTube Channel
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