
WATCH: Epic Dancing Marionette

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Puppets are popularly known as toys for kids. Kids love to play puppets, but not only kids, there's this puppet that also adults play. Some uses it for entertaining and for a living. It's called a marionette.

What is marionette? It is a puppet worked from above by strings attached to its limbs.

It looks easy, but it's not. It takes a lot of practice and skills to control this little puppet.

Meanwhile in Washington Square Park, New York. Some guy named Ricky Syers is performing in the street with his good marionette friend.

A lot of random people that are passing through stops just watch his little show. Kids are smiling and laughing, some are giving money.

Most of the people that watched his little show said that he brings joy and a smile to peoples faces.

Wonder why? Watch to see why.

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