
VIRAL: This Adorable Sheep Thinks It's a Dog and It's the Cutest Thing Ever

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Jemma Mackenzie uploaded this video of their orphaned lamb, Pet, who was brought up with four collies. Apparently, Pet treats Dice, the mother collie, as her own mom and follows her around everywhere.
She was adopted by collies after being taken in when she struggled to survive following her birth in April last year. One of a set of twins, she was born with a problem with her back legs and was taken into the warmth of the croft house to be looked after.

Seeing Pet act just like a dog, to the point where she has been accepted as one of the pack, shows us that farm animals and domestic animals are hardly as different as we traditionally think they are. All animals are capable of love and compassion, Pet and Dice certainly prove that.

Watch the Viral video below
Source: Jemma Mackenzie YouTube Channel
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