
VIRAL: Hilarious Video of these Guys Playing Bato Bato Pik! You Will Not Stop Laughing After Watching This

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In whatever situation, the scene always gets better when you’re with your friends. There’s the non-stop trippings and laughter that can turn any moment into a hilarious one. All of us love playing games and performing tricks on our peers, but if this is the kind of game that you’re playing, would you still enjoy it?
All of us are familiar with the game Jack-en-poy, but these guys even made the game better and more challenging with an unbelievable twist! At first glance, this seems to be your ordinary video of jack-en-poy but wait ‘till you see the catch.
This video became a hit in just a span of 2 days since its first upload on February 11. It was uploaded by Khenjee De Antonio Full and it has already reached 10.5k likes and 22.7k shares. What made this video viral is the violent but fun element they added in the simple game bato bato pik.
The guys in the video are pinoys from Saudi Arabia. Probably what they did was just out of boredom but it was still amusing. Watch their video here and share it with your friends for a good laugh together!

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