
VIRAL: Most Amazing Marriage Proposal You’ll See In A Christmas Season

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Probably the cleverest way to ask the love of your life to be with you forever…
The video shows one family who gets together to take a family photo for Christmas. But, what happened in the video is surely unexpected for the woman in red, when his boyfriend; Tyne Owen came up with the most wonderful marriage proposal idea for her.
Tyler decided that this is just a perfect opportunity to tell the love of his life how he feels. He made sure that the pose for the family picture will be spelled out as "Merry Xmas" with t-shirts. However, before the actual picture was taken, two people switched their places while the others covered their letter so the outcome will be spelled as "Marry Me?"
Source: Kerry Langdon Down YouTube Channel
Soon after the picture was taken, the woman is called over to review the photo and later on realized that it was a special moment meant for her. Her reaction was just perfect! And when she turned around, the love of her life is kneeling down with a ring on his hand.
How touching this would be! I hope you guys share what you think about it and share it with your friends.
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