
WATCH: Shocking 4D Images that Show's Smoking Can Delay Development in Fetus

Smoking is sometimes shown as a friend or a stress reliever to some. Some use it to explore, some use it because of curiosity and etc.

We all know for a normal person that is not pregnant, smoking is bad for the health, because smoking can lead to cancer, stroke and other diseases. Well what if for a pregnant woman smoking? It's 10 times much worst, because it will not only affect your health; but also put your baby's health in danger too.

In the picture on the video, on the top photo, you can see how the fetus is covering his face with his hands. While the bottom picture is the
normal and healthy fetus.

The top photo show's a sign which can be a delayed development for the fetus. Research say's a pregnant woman smoking can affect the baby's health by being a premature baby or even cause of death.

Watch the video for more informations in these important news that mommy-to-be needs to be aware of.
Source: NewsBeat Social

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