LOOK: Group of Pinoy Students Invented Portable Bitcoin ATM
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Pinoys never ceased to amaze the world when it comes to our bright and crafty innovations. In fact, we have already numerous contributions in technological and medical advancement. Now, another amazing invention has been made!This Group of Pinoy Engineering students from Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) Manila have no idea that their thesis proposal will come to life and make such a huge buzz in the field of technology. Valen Barcinal, Eineil Eric Gemzon, Nervin Macaranas and Joshua Zabala started out with a single idea and ended with another proud Pinoy Invention.
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The Portable Bitcoin ATM is a user-friendly machine that will help you change your bills into coins in few easy steps. It can be operated using a built-in-touch screen which contains instructions. According to Gemzon in his article in the newsleter.8layertech.com, the portable Bitcoin is 'an example of emerging technology with the impact to society.'
When it comes to security, the machine includes a simple lock outside and requires a pin code to change the setting of the system. Moreover, Gemzon said:
"The Portable Bitcoin ATM is aimed to be placed in convenient stores, coffee shops and the likes where people will often come by and surely they will notice the machine and will allow cryptocurrency awareness to be raised."
For more detail and information, watch the report by NewsBeat Social here. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.
Post by NewsBeat Social.