VIRAL: Heartbreaking Video of Monkey Consoling It's Sad Friend.
Monkey is a clever animal. It is usually compare to a smart person.
Monkeys cannot reflect on punishments and feel bad about what they've done, in contrast to what this anthropomorphic post would suggest. And can someone tell me why a zoo puts their animals in clothing? This is not a zoological park, this is a sideshow. - Look Lu said in youtube comment.
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There is famous quote from Charles Darwin "An American monkey, after getting drunk on brandy, would never touch it again, and thus is much wiser than most men."Monkeys cannot reflect on punishments and feel bad about what they've done, in contrast to what this anthropomorphic post would suggest. And can someone tell me why a zoo puts their animals in clothing? This is not a zoological park, this is a sideshow. - Look Lu said in youtube comment.
In this video, the little monkey was spotted by staff at the Miami Zoological Wildlife Foundation who said she was unhappy after being put in time-out.
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