
Amazing Filipina Sang “Didn’t We Almost Have It All” Effortlessly

It is really unusual not to see good singers around especially here in the Philippines. Filipinos are known to be good singers and possesses the best quality of voices. They are never shy to sing in front of the public and an example of that is the girl in the video who effortlessly sang “Didn’t We Almost Have It All” by Whitney Houston.
Screenshot photo from Youtube 
If you’re the type of person who loves watching online videos that showcase the talent of Filipino people, you will surely love this one. This unknown girl blew the minds of the people watching her on the stage as she showed them how she hit the high notes of the song.

The video was uploaded in YouTube by the channel Fun2Laugh and has been viral in other social networking sites.
Watch the video below and be completely amazed!
Source: TheFun2Laugh Youtube Channel
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