Do you believe in miracles? Or do you even believe that He exists? If your answer is no, this video will prove to you that God does exist. According to the Holy Bible, “Blessed are the one who sees me and believes in me, but it is more blessed the one who did not see me but believes in Me.” As we can see on the video, it was just like a CCTV on the street on January 20, 2013 and there is someone who was walking on the street but on a second a car hit the post on the street where the man/woman is walking. The man/woman could literally be hit by the car but because of God the car hit the post instead of the man/woman. Is it really a miracle that no one was hurt on the incident even the driver of the car was safe. Now if you are still in trouble in believing in Him or not, think again. Everything that happens in every single second of our life, either it is good or bad, He is the one who would always help us. So we should be thankful for Him, the Alpha and Omega.