WATCH: Amazing Experiments That Would Definitely Blow Your Mind!
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Do you know that you can open a watermelon with the use of rubber bands? All you have to do is to put the rubber bands (a lot of them) into the middle and suddenly it would explode and would cut into a half. Amazing isn’t it? Or how about blowing bubble on a cd? Impossible? It is possible! All you need is a cd or use cd, a coin and a lighter. First scratch off the metal with the coin, then place the flame below the cd to melt the plastic until you see a dip form the blow the bubble and that’s it. Do you know the mathematics of the infinite chocolate? Here’s what you need, a large chocolate bar and a knife. Note the number of pieces (example: 4x4) then cut the chocolate bar parallel third bar and vertical on the first bar. After that cut again the upper left corner of the bar, swap them and then viola! You have a 4x4 chocolate bar with a bonus piece. Do you know that you can make a flamethrower out of a clothespin? Now, you’ll know. The things you need are a utility knife, matches, clothespin, and a one-piece clothespin. All you have to do is first, take the clothespin apart, cut a notch on the middle of a part of the clothespin, put the spring back into an opposite way and slide the other clothespin over the end. Now load the launcher with the striking end of the match pointed in, in that way the trigger lights the match.And that’s some of the unbelievable experiments that you could use for fun and recreational activities in your life.