
VIRAL: Elementary Student Propose to a Girl

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Teenagers and kids may be influenced by love stories and movies or influenced by their fellow teenager.

 There are many videos and scandals that goes viral online showing teenagers being what they are now these days. That's why a lot of people especially adults, questioning that, what's happening to teenagers and even kids now a days.

Like this video that went viral. The video shows two kids, pretty much the boy seems to be like he's going to court and surprise his "CRUSH", and with the help, of course of some kids. Can you say that in their age, this is already called love? What do you think? In you opinion, do you think teenagers and kids now and what they're doing is normal and okay?

This is one of the reason why some teenagers and kids now a days doesn't study well. Teenagers and kids should be focus on their studies, not focusing on their partner or you should make your crush or partner for inspiration to achieve your goal and dreams.

You're just a teen, you shouldn't rush things. Loves comes in time, there is a right time when it comes to love, and there is a right time to focus on your studies, which is probably now in your age.

It's okay to have a partner or have a reationship with someone, as long as you make him/her your inspiration in doing well in studies and being much better person. Teenagers must be the role model for kids. You are older, so you should set as a good example and act as role model to kids like these.

Video Source PIMD Channel
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