
WATCH: Adorable Toddler Sings Along to Taylor Swift’s Shake it off

Most adults think it’s cute when babies imitate whatever they see or hear and this video is the proof. This bubbly toddler just can’t and won’t stop grooving. Check out this video from Youtube that displays a charming 2-year old kid on the back of a car as she sings to the beat of Taylor Swift’s Shake it off.
Screenshot photo from YouTube
The 30-second clip was uploaded last January 11, 2015 by Mike Smith. It has already reached 600k views by the netizens who were astonished by the toddler’s cuteness.
The baby didn’t get all the lyrics right, and that’s what made this video even more interesting! She seems unaware of her wrong lyrics yet she just enjoyed the song. Aside from lip singing, she can also be seen bobbing her head to the catchy tune and moving her feet, giving the impression that she was even dancing. Most of the comments in the comment section are filled with compliments of how adorable and cute the toddler is.
The video was a total hit that even Taylor Swift herself noticed her little fan. In her Twitter account, she tweeted the link of the video with the caption: “YOU TELL THOSE HATERS GIRL”
Meanwhile, this is the second time a rendition of Shake it off has gone viral. The first case is with a police officer. Yes, you heard that right. Even a cop can’t resist the urge to sing it.
A police officer in Delaware was caught lip-singing Shake it off while he was cruising the streets with his patrol car. The four-minute video shows the cop, unaware of being filmed by the dash cam, grooving and making some dance moves. The video has also been noticed by Taylor and she tweeted: “LOLOLOLOL THE SASS” with the link.
Source: Mike Smith YouTube Channel
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