
WATCH: Amazing Video of a Pregnant Woman as she Dances ‘Thriller’ To Induce Labor

Screenshot photo from YouTube
This woman from Florida is willing to do anything for her unborn child, and this amazing video will prove it! Bonnie Northsea is already 40-weeks pregnant and in desperation to finally give birth to her baby boy, she danced to Michael Jakson’s hit ‘Thriller’. This incredible video is priceless, not even mentioning how she managed to dance while carrying her baby inside her.
What’s funny is that the expectant mom wasn’t expecting that her video would go viral, but it did. The video was originally uploaded in her Facebook with the caption:
“Someone told me Thriller would induce labor. Here I am on my due date 40 weeks looking like a fool. I’m so awesome!” The said video got 55k views in less than 24-hours so she decided to put it on YouTube.
Lots of netizens have watched the incredible video since she uploaded it on her YouTube channel on February 12 and over a span of one week; it has already received more than 2million views!
In an interview with www.today.com, Bonnie said that she didn’t expect her video would go viral.
“It was just something funny that I did. I’m ready for the baby to come out, and somebody told me to exercise a little bit. I’ve always been a huge Michael Jackson fan!”
But unfortunately, Bonnie’s effort didn’t pay off. 6 days after she uploaded her video, her child still hasn’t come out.
Watch her video here and share it with others. If you liked this video, check out our website for more.
Source: Bonnie Northsea YouTube Channel
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